On 30 March 2024, Yayasan Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin, in collaboration with Masjid Al Ikhlas Seksyen 13, Shah Alam, hosted the "Program Bakul Ramadhan." This event saw 54 recipients being given essential food baskets, including 22 asnaf comprising single mothers, widows, families, nine people with disabilities (OKU), and 23 orphans and students. To further support them, Yayasan Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin generously included supermarket vouchers with the donations.

Masjid Al Ikhlas Seksyen 13, Shah Alam was built by the late Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin in June 2013, just a week before Ramadhan. The mosque stands as testament to his enduring legacy of philanthropy and community support.

Through these initiatives, Yayasan Tan Sri SM Nasimuddin continues to inspire and encourage everyone to embrace the true essence of Ramadhan.